Can You Cure Your Gut Symptoms with Food?

Can You Cure Your Gut Symptoms with Food?

It's difficult to enjoy a meal when you have IBS (Crohn's diseases, ulcerative colitis, indeterminate colitice, etc.) or any other type of bowel condition. If you have IBD or another intestinal ailment, you've likely noticed that some foods cause digestive symptoms for you when the disease flares.

Understanding how to avoid certain foods will help you manage your illness, minimize symptoms, and accelerate healing in your intestines.

Eating can be scary if you're afraid it will cause your usual discomfort. A large number of patients who had a digestive problem also found relief in cutting out items like dairy, processed meats, fast food, and alcohol.

You should provide your body the correct nutrition by ensuring a proper carbohydrate, fat, protein, water, salt, vitamin, soluble fiber, and insoluble fiber balance. This will prevent humiliating and unpleasant problems like the ones you have from occurring.

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) causes vulnerability to Avoidant/Restrictive Eating-Intake Disorder (ARFID), which is a kind of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) that sufferers use as a coping mechanism for food. A large number of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients keep a list, because they've been burnt by a series of misdiagnoses and have no intention of making the same mistake twice. The goal is to identify meals, components, or dishes that cause IBD symptoms to worsen, such having their abdominal discomfort worsen.

If unpleasant symptoms like difficulty swallowing make you afraid to eat, you may go undernourished and spiral into a hazardous cycle.
When you're malnourished, you are more vulnerable to the uncomfortable symptoms associated with this, and you have trouble eating as a result.


Control Your Diet, Contro Your Disease

The majority of the specialists feel that some patients may identify certain foods that are responsible for their symptoms of GI upset, especially when their conditions worsen. You may find your GI symptoms of gas, bloating, stomach discomfort, cramps, and diarrhea to be easier to control if you avoid your "trigger foods." On the other hand, you'll allow your intestines time to recover while also clearing out the inflammation.

Your eating habits play a big influence in your success, so pay attention to what and how you eat, and make a point of using positive thinking and other behavior coping methods to maintain a healthy weight and good health.
eight to ten glasses of water
  • High fiber carbs are recommended (oat bran, legumes, barley)
  • Lean meats, fish, eggs, nuts, poultry, and soy are just a few of the proteins.
  • Olive oil and canola oil are among the healthiest fats for people to consume, among other types like omega-3 fatty acids.
  • foods without skin, seeds, or dark coloring
  • as suggested by your doctor, vitamin and mineral supplements
  • Dairy goods include low-fat milk or lactose-free alternatives.
Although eating or not eating specific foods will not fully eliminate IBD symptoms, it can frequently help to relieve the pain and reduce symptoms.
It is also good to consume frequent, smaller meals.

Foods to not eat

  • Foods that may have caused trouble in the past might cause difficulties again.
  • foods high in fiber, such as beans
  • Peanuts, sunflower seeds, and popcorn
  • fatty foods
  • caffeine and alcohol, among other things
  • spicy dishes
  • unprocessed produce
  • Prunes

Keeping a food journal might help keep track of one's body's responses to different meals. You will learn which meals to avoid when you determine what causes you to overeat. Even so, before completely removing any foods or food categories from your diet, you should always consult with your doctor first, since this might lead to nutritional shortages.


Food Journaling

Food diary is a record of information that covers a wide range of aspects:

  • What you consume as food.
  • Eating has a direct influence on how you feel.
  • How satisfied you are when you eat.
  • Everything you do, such as eating, when you are in the cafeteria.

A diary might help you comprehend what you consume and the reason for it better.
This assistance might be useful to your doctor, therapist, or nutritionist in helping you reach the goals you've set for treating your illness.


Eat these instead

These health-promoting habits prioritize nutrient-dense foods, which are considered more healthful because to their retained levels of vitamins, minerals, micronutrients, and phytochemicals.

  • ​Whole grains
  • probiotics such as kimchi, yogurt, or kefir
  • Legumes, lentils, chickpeas, or beans.
  • Leafy greens in particular.
  • Berries, in particular.
  • Fish and poultry, for example.
  • Hard-to-categorize nuts and seeds.
  • Olive oil is used for all cooking purposes, and it is also commonly used for salad dressings.
  • In addition to things like turmeric and moringa, there are superfoods, such as kale and pineapple.
  • Drink a bit of alcohol if you drink at all.
  • Plain water.

All of these diets eliminate items having extra sugars, salt, and fat, which you wouldn't use in your own cooking, and you won't eat anything that is "ultra-processed." Red meat, butter, margarine, cheese, and fried meals should be cut out completely.

Not all foods are equal

Eating meals that you enjoy while not becoming sick is very important since you will get enough of nutrients this way. To ensure proper nutrition, your healthcare professional will help with you to plan your meals and make good food decisions. You should also try to avoid items that aggravate your symptoms.

Right now, patients who have (IBS) are very interested in probiotics. To help balance the natural bacteria in the body, patients can take probiotics, which are live bacteria and yeasts that they can ingest. Yogurt, fermented foods, and supplements are all frequent sources.

Patients who have IBS symptoms have been shown to have alterations in their gut flora. People with IBS, for example, have a less healthy digestive system due to the presence of more dangerous bacteria such as E. coli, Clostridium, and Streptococcus.

A disturbance in the balance of gut flora might have a role in the IBS symptoms.
A variety of methods exist for helping return the digestive system to equilibrium, including slowing down the digestion process, decreasing the growth of unhealthy bacteria, and preventing inflammation.

Inflammation makes it difficult for your body to absorb nutrients, even if you're eating. Thus, your appetite will likely decrease, and it may be harder to find anything that you are willing to eat. You could benefit from using turmeric, a superfood loaded with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory qualities that is currently enjoying some exposure in the medical community as a therapy for your digestive issue.

It has been in traditional medicine for ages, where it is used to treat chronic diseases like respiratory difficulties, arthritis, pain, and tiredness. Curcumin, a chemical present in turmeric, has several alleged medicinal benefits, particularly in the area of inflammation. In the past, some studies have indicated that turmeric is beneficial because of its anti-inflammatory properties. This is due to the fact that IBD are immune-mediated diseases that induce inflammation.

Moringa oleifera is another consideration. Moringa doesn't completely treat illness, but the plant can assist in reducing inflammation, managing blood sugar, and improving heart health.

Like other superfoods, Moringa has a plethora of minerals. In 2016, a research in the journal Food Science and Human Wellness proved that it had more vitamin C than oranges, more vitamin A than carrots, more calcium than milk, more protein than yogurt, more potassium than bananas, more iron than spinach, and more than 25 times the iron of spinach.

Moringa includes powerful antioxidants, which help combat inflammation, lower blood sugar, reduce cholesterol, and improve skin clarity. Moringa leaves are also brimming with nutrients, and those who are lacking in certain nutrients would benefit from their use.

Moringa can boost your total nutrition and enable your intestines to relax because of its high nutrition density and anti-inflammatory qualities. Bowel relaxation can quickly decrease inflammation.

A significant amount of recent research has investigated how probiotics might be used to treat and manage IBS, Crohns, and Ulcerative Colitis.

Probiotics are live bacteria or yeast found in foods and supplements. They’re safe, similar to natural gut flora and provide health benefits.

People use them to promote a healthy, balanced gut flora. They provide a number of health benefits, such as supporting weight loss, improving heart health, improving digestion and boosting the immune system 

IBS symptoms have been linked to certain changes in the gut flora. For example, people with IBS have lower amounts of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium in their guts, and higher levels of harmful Streptococcus, E. coli and Clostridium.

Probiotics have been proposed to improve symptoms by:

  • Inhibiting the growth of disease-causing bacteria
  • Enhancing the immune system’s barrier functions
  • Helping fight inflammation
  • Slowing down bowel movements
  • Reducing gas production by balancing the gut flora
  • Reducing the gut’s sensitivity to gas buildup


Experts and academics spend a lot of time discussing probiotics, turmeric and moringa, which are the most common superfoods on the market. Acai, green tea, elderberry, and maca are among them, along with acai and green tea. The evidence indicates that IBD patients and others with gastrointestinal problems will benefit the most from turmeric and moringa.

The symptoms of Crohn's disease are reduced when the inflammation, stomach discomfort, diarrhea, and constipation symptoms disappear. All while carrying vital nutrients and making your situation no worse (delivering nutrients and keeping everything in balance).
You may make use of Probiotics, Moringa, and Turmeric in your diet in several ways. A supplement can be a good method to take them, especially those who find it difficult to absorb them in other ways. In addition, using ingredients like those if they are accessible will benefit your meals, smoothies, and beverages.

Eating an effective diet is always a challenge for IBD patients, but there's no single dietary approach that's effective for everyone.

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