Accelerate the Healing Process of Your Cancer Treatment with Nutrition

Accelerate the Healing Process of Your Cancer Treatment with Nutrition


Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. 

Living with Cancer

A cancer diagnosis often brings concerns about how long your life will be. Knowing that death is not far away takes an emotional toll on the person with cancer and their loved ones. Some people might feel shock or fear. They might feel guilty about being a burden or worry about how their death will affect loved ones left behind. 

There are many different approaches for treating cancer, depending on the type of cancer, how advanced it is, what types of treatment are available, and what the goals of treatment are. 

Treatments & Side Effects

Cancer treatments and cancer can cause side effects. Side effects are problems that occur when treatment affects healthy tissues or organs. A side effect occurs when treatment damages healthy cells. Side effects can be different for each person, and for different medicines and kinds of treatment.

Side effects of cancer and its treatment can sometimes make it difficult to eat. These include nausea, sickness, taste changes, loss of appetite, trouble swallowing, diarrhea and constipation.

Malnutrition and muscle loss are common in people with cancer and have a negative impact on health and survival. 

While the disease and its related symptoms progress, patients with cancer in most cases are afraid of the mentioned dimensions of death anxiety. Therefore, this anxiety cannot only cause physical and mental disorders in the patients but also affect their quality of life.

Some cancer patients may experience gastrointestinal problems, nausea or other symptoms that may affect their ability or desire to eat.

Sometimes the side effects of cancer treatment can cause a person to eat less and lose weight. Losing weight without trying can make you weak and malnourished. On the other hand, some cancer treatments may cause weight gain.

Importance of Nutrition During and After Treatment

When you’re healthy, eating enough food to get the nutrients and calories you need is not usually a problem. Most nutrition guidelines stress eating lots of vegetables, fruits, and whole-grain products; limiting the amount of red meat you eat, especially meats that are processed or high in fat; cutting back on fat, sugar, alcohol, and salt; and staying at a healthy weight. But when you’re being treated for cancer, these things can be hard to do, especially if you have side effects or just don’t feel well.

Give yourself (or your loved one) the best possible chance for a speedy and uneventful recovery from surgery by stocking up on nature’s best medications: food. 

Good nutrition is especially important if you have cancer because both the illness and its treatments can change the way you eat.   They can also affect the way your body tolerates certain foods and uses nutrients. When on treatment, the foods and beverages you consume can either help or hinder your recovery.

Many foods, including fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and protein sources, have been shown to reduce inflammation, improve immune function, promote healing, and provide the fuel necessary for you to get on the mend safely and quickly.

Healthy Diet for Faster Healing & Recovery

Try to eat well. A healthy diet helps your body function at its best. This is even more important if you have cancer. You’ll go into treatment with reserves to help keep up your strength, your energy level, and your defenses against infection. 

A healthy diet can also prevent body tissue from breaking down and build new tissues. People who eat well are better able to cope with the side effects of treatment. And you may even be able to handle higher doses of certain drugs. In fact, some cancer treatments work better in people who are well-nourished.

Cancer and its treatment can weaken your body’s immune system by affecting the blood cells that protect us against disease and germs. As a result, your body can’t fight infection and disease as well as a healthy person’s body can.

During your treatment for cancer, there will be times when your body won’t be able to defend itself very well. This is because you might not have enough infection-fighting white blood cells for a while. You may be told to try to avoid exposure to possible infection-causing germs. It's important to know that you can't raise your white blood cell counts by avoiding or eating certain kinds of foods.

Antioxidants include vitamins A, C, and E; selenium and zinc; and some enzymes that absorb and attach to free radicals (destructive molecules) , preventing them from attacking normal cells.

If you want to take in more antioxidants, health experts recommend eating a variety of fruits and vegetables, which are good sources of antioxidants.

Powerful Healing, Recovery Support, and Cancer Preventatives Food

Experts believe that certain foods can fight cancer by blocking the blood vessels that feed cancer in a process called anti-angiogenesis. 

Some foods have powerful preventative effects against cancer. Frequently referred to as "superfoods," these items include turmeric, moringa, guyabano, and more.

There is no single superfood that can prevent cancer. Rather, a holistic dietary approach is likely to be most beneficial. However, modern superfoods are taking the conversation as a complementary treatment for cancer.

Those with specific protective effects against cancer will typically work in one of three ways. They act as an antiproliferative, an antioxidant, or a carcinogen-blocker.  Anti Proliferative inhibits tumor cell growth. Antioxidants reduce oxidative damage, such as damage caused by free radicals. Carcinogen-blockers, as the name suggests, act by "blocking" specific actions carcinogens take to exert their effects on the body.


Complementary Treatments for Cancer and Quick Recovery

Turmeric & moringa performs all three functions. It's an antiproliferative, antioxidant, and carcinogen-blocker. The curcumin (the principal curcuminoid in turmeric) inhibits cancer proliferation and blocks cancer transformations at all stages. Both turmeric & moringa can even stop a carcinogenic invasion and prevent damage to healthy cells. Moringa leaves also contain amino acids that may boost the immune system. This may help patients undergoing treatments such as chemotherapy.

Not only that, but recent studies show that the two superfoods activate the body’s 

What is a fact is that good nutrition is important, especially for cancer patients – that means a balanced, minimally processed plant-heavy diet, which can benefit your overall health and energy levels and support your immune system, as well as help you manage symptoms during treatment and promote survivorship. 

Scientists estimate that eating the optimal diet for cancer may reduce your risk by up to 70% and would likely help your recovery from cancer as well.


Other Recovery Techniques

Rest is essential when recovering from an illness, injury, or surgery. Plus, getting enough sleep bolsters your body’s repair process.

Hydration is also important for every aspect of healing and recovery, especially proper wound care.

Cancer treatment drains your body’s reserves. By providing your body with these essential nutrients you may have an easier recovery. This list of nutrients covers many of the challenges that your body is facing while you heal.

But every person’s needs are different. Talk to your doctor or a registered dietitian to set up an eating plan that meets your specific needs.


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