Purest form of Sunshine
Purest Form of Sunshine
Vitamin D Enhanced by K2
☑ Bio-Efficient Immune Protection
☑ Powerful Joint Health Strengthening
☑ Plant-Based Active Vitamin D3
☑ Promotes Strong Bones and Teeth
☑ Helps Combats COVID Symptoms
☑ Reduce Risk Of Flu
☑ Fights Depression
☑ High Absorption Rate
Mighty Vitamin D: Supercharge Your Immunity
World Renowned
Doctor Recommended
“Mighty Vitamin D is the perfect vitamin supplement to improve the body's immune system. I've found that most of my patients have a lower risk of contracting any infection and viruses when taking this daily. The IU levels are in the optimal range to offer the most comprehensive health benefits.”
Dr. Sarah Fitzgerald, M.D., O.D.
Introducing the Mightiest Vitamin D Formula! Purest form of Vitamin D enhanced by K2.
Vitamin C is a common immune support option, but vitamin D is another essential nutrient for your immune system.
You may have heard of vitamin D deficiencies in the winter because of a lack of sunlight. Vitamin D deficiencies can prevent healthy hormone levels and a normal immune system, making you vulnerable to a host of viruses and infections.
Many factors can affect your ability to get sufficient amounts of vitamin D through the sun alone. These factors include:
- Being in an area with high pollution
- Using sunscreen
- Spending more time indoors
- Living in big cities where buildings block sunlight
- Having darker skin. (The higher the levels of melanin, the less vitamin D the skin can absorb.)
Reduce Risk of Infections
Onslaught of unavoidable viruses because the need to go out is real. Mighty Vitamin D with K2 is the market’s most bio-efficient immune protection. Up to 18x more according to independent studies.
Strengthen Your Joint and Bones
Enjoy doing more with your body without feeling aches in your joints and bones. Feel stronger more and more every day as you take Mighty Vitamin D daily.
Works so well!
After reading in medical journals about how important D3 is to overall health I had my blood tested for vitamin D levels. It was low, as is typical for more than half the U.S. After taking this supplement for a couple months I am happy to report that my levels are so good. I don't have any more chronic pain in my joints, and my mood improved!
-Ken P.
Love how pure it is
I love that the Vitamin has no nasty preservatives or fillers. I've recently been diagnosed with an autoimmune inflammatory disease. Vitamin D3 was recommended to me. It's important to me that I follow a clean and healthy organic diet with as few toxins as possible - these capsules are the best in that category that I've found
-Sarah M.
So happy!!! Recommended!!
I have been using these vitamins for about 8 months. During these months I noticed that the pain diminished so much that I would forget that I had arthritis!! I also have increased energy and am now back in life and no longer a bystander watching other people live and enjoy their lives. I am living mine too! I am no longer in constant pain!! I am so happy!!!
-Samuel L.
Organic, 100% Natural, No Fillers. Highly Absorbable Vitamin D
Mighty Vitamin D helps control the body's amount of calcium and phosphate. To keep bones, teeth and muscles healthy, it is essential. A lack of vitamin D can lead to bone deformities in children, such as rickets, bone pain caused in adults by a condition called osteomalacia, and even a range of arthritis that leads to joint pain.
Vitamin D has seen increased interest in recent years, ranging from bone wellbeing to depression relief. An elevated risk of acute viral respiratory infections has also been associated with its deficiency.
Vitamin D with K2 is better and more effective at balancing calcium in the body. K2 will boost any formulation that contains Vitamin D.
Higher IU levels do not mean better!
US Institute of Medicine recommendations indicate that an average daily intake of 1,500 IU is adequate for 97.5 percent of people, but a bit higher if you aren't being exposed to the sun frequently.
Mighty Nutra took into consideration the best IU dosage. Instead of unnecessarily amping up IU levels to increase prices, we choose to create a formula that carries the best effectiveness. It's not wasteful and it's so much better for you!
Protect yourself from infection
Onslaught of unavoidable viruses because the need to go out is real. Mighty Vitamin D is the market’s most bio-efficient immune protection. Up to 18x more according to independent studies.
Control your blood sugar and pressure
Never worry about blood sugar and blood pressure again.
Vitamin D3 stimulates the pancreas and triggers insulin production, key to managing blood sugar levels more effectively. High blood pressure decreased when vitamin D levels increased. D3 actively reduces the concentration of renin, an enzyme secreted by the kidney that has an effect on blood vessels.
Removes pain
Enjoy doing more with your body without feeling aches in your joints and bones. Feel stronger more and more every day as you take Mighty Vitamin D daily.
Strengthen joint and bones
Strong bones are a result of daily vitamin D3 intake because it helps regulate and control the body’s ability to absorb compounds that provide density and strength to the skeletal system and teeth.
Boost your mood quick
Many people suffer from seasonal affective disorder and generally feel happier when the sun shines because of a vitamin synthesis that occurs with direct exposure to UVB rays.
Relieves depression symptoms
Vitamin D3 is known for its depression relief. Reduce your feelings of depression and anxiety that may be lowering your immune system.
Prevent & relieve the pain of rheumatoid arthritis
Counter rheumatoid arthritis by taking high efficacy Mighty Vitamin D daily. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with rheumatoid arthritis, an inflammatory condition that is marked by swollen, painful joints and tingling and numbness in the hands and feet.
Anti Inflammation
The lack of Vitamin D3 is also related to chronic pain and lower mental and physical quality of life.
Feel the difference with Mighty Vitamin D!
100% Money Back Guarantee
Order right now with confidence! Try it out for 30 days and if it doesn’t work for you, you’ll get your money back! There’s absolutely no-risk in giving it a try. No questions asked, you can get your money back!
2 Months Supply
Mighty Vitamin D - 120 Capsules
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Mighty Vitamin D - 240 Capsules
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:|~|:ttl4blclass:--:is-custom ba-51679793:|~|:ttl3cont:--:$93.10
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Mighty Vitamin D - 360 Capsules
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:|~|:ttl4blclass:--:is-custom ba-51679832:|~|:ttl3cont:--:$139.95
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Support AARDA
AARDA is the only national nonprofit health agency dedicated to bringing a comprehensive focus to autoimmunity, the major cause of over 100 serious chronic diseases. So many people are living with autoimmune disease. The lack of knowledge and awareness surrounding autoimmunity results in untold suffering for people affected by these diseases. Misdiagnosis and delayed diagnosis can result in damage to vital organs. AARDA is dedicated to a collaborative approach to research, funding, and early detection is essential to finding eventual cures and preventative measures for all autoimmune diseases. To encourage such collaboration, there needs to be a national focus on autoimmunity as the common factor in all autoimmune diseases. 10% of your purchase will go the AARDA. Lets help them out and bring more awareness to autoimmune diseases!
Help fight cancer with Memorial Sloan Ketter Cancer Center
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center is a cancer treatment and research institution in New York City, founded in 1884 as the New York Cancer Hospital. MSKCC is the largest and oldest private cancer center in the world, and is one of 51 National Cancer Institute–designated Comprehensive Cancer Centers. To improve progress and provide more research on how to treat and cure cancer, we are donating 10% of your purchase to the Memorial Sloan Ketter Cancer Center.