All Natural Stress Reliever
All Natural Stress Recovery
Enjoy Instant Calm
☑ Combats Mood Swings
☑ Recover from Stress Faster
☑ Improves Focus & Mental Clarity
☑ Effective Sleep Support
☑ Promotes Relaxation
☑ Premium Antioxidant Support
Mighty Rest: No More Stress
World Renowned
Doctor Recommended
“Mighty Rest is a completely plant-based supplement for anxiousness and low mood that provides emotional and physical balance. Your brain and body may need a little extra nutritional support to help with worried tendencies, occasional anxiety, emotional imbalance, and stress. The collection of herbs works harmoniously together to help you maintain a stable and positive mood.”
Dr. Sarah Fitzgerald, M.D., O.D.
Mighty Rest is designed to provide an instant calming effect.
Mighty Rest is a healthy and safe way to treat anxiety of any kind, and helps set the stage for a calm day when taken in the morning. Experts have dubbed it “nature’s valium”, and the effects may be felt within 15 – 20 minutes.
Mighty Rest affects the neurotransmitters in your brain, including serotonin. High doses may be beneficial for treating some forms of anxiety disorders, such as panic disorders.
Quick Stress Reduction
Treatment with Mighty Rest restores the stress response and improve the survival of stressed humans.
Calms You Down Instantly
Feel at ease and centered. Mighty Rest is a primarily a calming agent, used for conditions that reflect over-activation, restlessness, or nervousness.
No more anxiety!
This product really took my stress and anxiety away! I have really bad anxiety and I was really not wanting to go to the doctor to get a prescription to help it, but this product will do just fine! I'm so glad that I found this product!!
-Julius W.
Always calm now
Definitely helps with the stress and I almost feel like it helped the next day. I only take one a day because sometimes I overthink things and they make me feel calmer and more centered.
-Jennifer C.
Provides fast stress recovery support
Vitamins A, C, and E are powerful antioxidants. Breaking down our food and moving our bodies generates many free radicals which can lead to cumulative damage to our cells.
Many environmental exposures also produce significant free radicals, which is normal, but over time, particularly with high exposure, our bodies see the effects of their cellular damage. Antioxidants help us better ward off this damage.
Inositol, Hops Strobiles, Chamomile, Valerian Root, and Passionflower have all been studied as all natural and organic physical stress relievers. They all help fight off insomnia, mood disorders, and anxiety.
How Stress Can Affect You
The most dangerous thing about stress is how easily it can creep up on you. Stress that lasts for very prolonged periods can begin to take a serious toll on your body.
Long-term stress can lead to various health problems, and research shows that a high percentage of doctor visits are for stress related illnesses.
Stress can cause other extreme problems in one's physical, psychological and social health. It can cause relationship problems too, as one may be quick to anger and overact on trivial issues. Stress can also lead to high blood pressure and other serious health conditions.
Helps with sleep and relaxation
Mighty Rest treats insomnia triggered by stress. In some cases, this translated to two and a half hours of additional sleep per night and a 50% decrease in the number of nighttime awakenings. These effects may be especially beneficial in people with rotating work shifts and may even prove useful in treating mild anxiety.
Reduce symptoms of depression
Due to its effects on neurotransmitters in the brain, Mighty Rest has been explored as a treatment for depression.
Controls blood sugar
Mighty Rest plays a role in insulin signaling and may improve the body’s sensitivity to insulin in some cases. Benefits have been seen in individuals with metabolic syndrome, women at risk for gestational diabetes and women with PCOS.
Reduces anxiety
High doses of Mighty Rest may be beneficial for treating some forms of anxiety disorders, such as panic disorders.
Slows and prevents osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is the progressive loss of bone density. This loss increases the risk of broken bones and stooped posture. While anyone can develop osteoporosis, it is most common among post-menopausal women. This tendency may be due to the effects of estrogen. Mighty Rest has anti-estrogenic effects. It also helped promote bone density.
Some studies suggest that Mighty Rest may target cancer cells, or even prevent those cells from developing in the first place.
Feel the difference with Mighty Rest!
100% Money Back Guarantee
Order right now with confidence! Try it out for 30 days and if it doesn’t work for you, you’ll get your money back! There’s absolutely no-risk in giving it a try. No questions asked, you can get your money back!
2 Months Supply
Mighty Rest - 120 Capsules
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Mighty Rest - 240 Capsules
Save 10%
:|~|:ttl4blclass:--:is-custom ba-51681980:|~|:ttl3cont:--:$93.10
:|~|:ttl3blclass:--:is-custom ba-51681989:|~|:ttl2cont:--:4 Bottles
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Mighty Rest - 360 Capsules
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:|~|:ttl4blclass:--:is-custom ba-51682010:|~|:ttl3cont:--:$139.95
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Support AARDA
AARDA is the only national nonprofit health agency dedicated to bringing a comprehensive focus to autoimmunity, the major cause of over 100 serious chronic diseases. So many people are living with autoimmune disease. The lack of knowledge and awareness surrounding autoimmunity results in untold suffering for people affected by these diseases. Misdiagnosis and delayed diagnosis can result in damage to vital organs. AARDA is dedicated to a collaborative approach to research, funding, and early detection is essential to finding eventual cures and preventative measures for all autoimmune diseases. To encourage such collaboration, there needs to be a national focus on autoimmunity as the common factor in all autoimmune diseases. 10% of your purchase will go the AARDA. Lets help them out and bring more awareness to autoimmune diseases!
Help fight cancer with Memorial Sloan Ketter Cancer Center
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center is a cancer treatment and research institution in New York City, founded in 1884 as the New York Cancer Hospital. MSKCC is the largest and oldest private cancer center in the world, and is one of 51 National Cancer Institute–designated Comprehensive Cancer Centers. To improve progress and provide more research on how to treat and cure cancer, we are donating 10% of your purchase to the Memorial Sloan Ketter Cancer Center.
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