Magnesium: The Pain Fighting Mineral

Magnesium: The Pain Fighting Mineral

Magnesium is a supplement that is very well known for its benefits throughout the natural health community. It is involved in over 300 biochemical processes in the body. One of its most important functions is that it plays a key role in producing energy. This makes it vitality important for all cellular functions and processes. It helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function, keeps heart rhythm regular, supports a healthy immune system, and keeps bones strong. Its wide range of health benefits and biological activity make it effective in addressing a number of common diseases and conditions including osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic pain, diabetes, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, and headaches.

The problem with this essential mineral is that most people do not have sufficient levels for optimal health. A gradual depletion of nutrients from our soils has left many vegetables with lower levels of magnesium. Another factor that contributes to magnesium deficiency is that is often depleted by various common conditions (i.e. IBS, crohns disease) and medications (i.e. proton pump inhibitors, diuretics). 

A major mechanism of pain is the excessive stimulation of a brain chemical called “NMDA.” The few medications that help decrease and balance this pain-carrying neurotransmitter have the downside of causing significant side effects. Magnesium seems to settle down NMDA without toxicity. The upside of magnesium is that is very inexpensive (pennies a dose). The downside is that it hasn’t yet made it through the FDA approval process.

For an especially powerful effect, magnesium can be used intravenously and is an important tool used by most holistic physicians (including those at the Fibromyalgia and Fatigue Centers). It has even been shown to ease the incredibly severe nerve pain that can sometimes be seen in pancreatic cancer. It is also very helpful for settling down fibromyalgia pain, which has a muscle and nerve component.

A November 2019 study in the journal Medicine says: “The impact of magnesium on the risk of knee osteoarthritis is still under investigation. . .  Although a higher daily intake of magnesium was associated with a significantly reduced risk of fracture in patients with knee osteoarthritis, it was not significant for lowering the risk of knee osteoarthritis. (However) A meta-analysis also showed that population with higher serum magnesium levels had a significantly lower risk of knee osteoarthritis.” In the end, the researchers concluded that magnesium did not seem to prevent knee osteoarthritis, but it could help with bone fractures after the development of knee osteoarthritis.

Magnesium deficiency is considered to be a major risk factor for osteoarthritis development and progression. Magnesium deficiency is active in several pathways that have been implicated in osteoarthritis, including:

  • increased inflammatory mediators,
  • cartilage damage,
  • defective chondrocyte biosynthesis (you don’t make good cartilage),
  • calcification in soft tissue,
  • and a weakened effect of analgesics (magnesium makes painkillers work better, a subject that you need to discuss with your doctor)
Abundant evidence in animal models now suggests that the nutritional supplementation or injection of magnesium represents effective therapies for osteoarthritis.


magnesium deficiency can be a major amplifier of pain. Because of food processing, most people are magnesium deficient.  If you have pain, taking magnesium each day can start to decrease these deficiencies as well as the pain, after just several weeks — while also leaving you feeling more energetic. 


How to overcome your Magnesium deficiency

Relieves Migraines & Headaches

Soothes Body Aches & Nerve Pain

☑Maximum Absorption 


Mighty Magnesium effectively combines the essential minerals, Magnesium, and Calcium. Magnesium and Calcium work hand-in-hand as anti-inflammatory mediators and nervous system support so you can receive optimal results. Get your maximum daily recommended dose of Magnesium with Mighty Magnesium.  

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